If there is a baby in your family or in your extended family, you will know what an onesie is. In fact, it is not uncommon for adult-sized onesies to be popular items in many households. However, the baby onesie is what we are going to focus on here. In fact, we are going to give you gift ideas for Christmas onesies. Before we get too deep on this subject, let’s first take a closer look at what they are and what function they perform.
A Christmas Onesie? Here’s Why That Makes A Great Gift
1 – The Wardrobe Staple In Each Child’s Closet
Ask any parent and they will tell you that for any of their infants, the onesie is the staple in their wardrobe. It is quite simply the ‘goto’ clothing item that is chosen for everyday wear. The onesie is essentially at-shirt that snaps at the crotch keeping them in place.
2 – The Function That Makes An Onesie So Awesome
As mentioned, the onesie is a t-shirt with a snap closure at the crotch. The purpose for this is to keep the t-shirt from hiking up the body to expose a bare baby belly to the elements. In other words, an onesie will keep a baby warm when out from under blankets.
3 – The Versatility That Gives Onesies An Advantage
The onesie is not just for infants. They come in various sizes so that as your baby grows, you’ll still be able to dress them in anonesie for a few years. They are typically sold in value packs of three or five but you can also purchase them as singles. Onesies are pretty awesome.
The Best Christmas Gift For A Small Child Is An Onesie

There is no doubt about it, any parent will appreciate additional clothing for their little one. The best part of this time of year is that you can personalize that gift with a Christmas or seasonal graphic or message. When you gift a personalized item, it becomes a treasured gift that may be kept or used long after it has passed the effective lifespan of that item. This makes that gift very special. It also opens the door to you being the regular supplier of unique onesies in your family.
Twins, Triplets Or Singles, They Are All Important
Not only are onesies valued by parents of a single child, imagine how much you will be saving a family with young twins or triplets. You can personalize onesies for each of the children so that they will always get theirs and not someone else’s. Also, if you so desire, you can create a whole wardrobe with personalized onesies fit for any occasion after Christmas. The possibilities are endless.
Visit YayPrint For All You Need To Create A Christmas Onesie
There is an easy way to personalize an onesie gift for thatyoung person on your holiday shopping list. All you have to do is visit our website at https://www.yayprint.com/or your preferred app store. Download the YayPrint mobile app and you’ll instantly gain access to online design tools to make your personalized Christmas gift come alive. You’ll be amazed at what all you will be able to do.
For example, you can either create a new design or use onethat already exists in our archives. Either way, you can make a holiday onesie that will be cherished for years to come. Or you can make a holiday onesie your annual gift to the child until they are too big for them. It couldn’t be any easier than with our online app. Download it today and start creating those Christmas memories!